Landscape Photography Port Macquarie
Landscape Photography
Landscape photography is intended to show different spaces within the world, sometimes vast and unending, but other times microscopic. Photographs typically capture the presence of nature and are often free of man-made obstructions. Landscape photographers often attempt to document the space as well as convey an appreciation of the scenery.
Many landscape photographs show little or no human activity and are created in the pursuit of a pure, unsullied depiction of nature devoid of human influence, instead featuring subjects such as strongly defined landforms, weather, and ambient light. As with most forms of art, the definition of a landscape photograph is broad, and now includes urban settings, industrial areas, and nature photography. Waterfalls, coastlines, seascapes and mountains are especially popular in classic landscape photography. Though most photographs are inspired by traditional landscape painting, the technique can be applied to other subjects; most places and things can be photographed as a landscape, a kitchen, a lamp, a wall, or even the human body. Contemporary Landscape photography has made a notable shift from being about nature and the environment towards being more about the direct relationship between man and nature and where they intersect. Notable landscape photographers include Ansel Adams, Galen Rowell and Edward Weston.
Environmentalism and landscape photography
From its beginnings and continuing into the present era, some of the most important and celebrated landscape photographers have been motivated by an appreciation of the beauty of the natural environment and a desire to see it preserved. For example, Ansel Adams spoke passionately in defense of the natural world.
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