Glamping at dusk and beyond……

When I got the call from Trish at Flourish Tents And Events asking me to come and photograph her tents at dusk I wasn’t really sure what to expect but to say I was pleasantly surprised would be an understatement. I arrived at the first spectacular location which was on a ridge overlooking lush green paddocks and Bago Bluff in the background to see one of her very glamorous tents, styled and ready to go.
There was this gorgeous warm evening light with the sun gradually dropping down so I took the opportunity to shoot the first image you see below before the sun disappeared. I love the glow through the canvas on the inside of the tent from the sun.
Next up when the sun had dropped below the horizon I shot the feature image you see at the top of the page. This was followed by a quick dash down onto the paddocks where 3 more tents were set up. Unfortunately we were a long way from any mains power so all we had were a few candles and small led lights. It was such a clear night it seemed to take forever until you could see the tents starting to glow and then I could see they were all glowing different colours because of the color temperature of the different light sources. Fortunately I was shooting in raw so I could adjust for each one later in Photoshop and blend them together to give this result.
This last image was the final shot of the night and it really was well and truly night at this stage. With an exposure time of 30 seconds and the only light from some candles and small led torches I ended up bringing in my car and using the sidelights from that to give a bit of fill light and the end result looks really good.
The client loved the images and they looked really great in her display at a recent Wedding Expo and on her promotional material. If you would like to experience some glamping of your own or have an event or wedding coming up and want some accommodation with a difference then contact Trish at Flourish Tents And Events. Visit their Facebook page here.