Manfrotto Pro Light Reloader-55 Rolling Camera Bag Review

Based in Northern Italy, Manfrotto designs, manufactures and markets a wide range of camera and lighting support equipment for the professional photographic, film and video markets. I have been a very happy user of Manfrotto’s tripods and lighting stands for many years. I use them day in and day out and have never had any issues with which considering the abuse they get is pretty outstanding. So when I received the new Manfrotto Pro Light Reloader-55 Rolling Camera Bag I was pretty excited to try it out. Well it has been 2 months now and I have pretty much used this bag everyday and I have to admit I am impressed. It swallows a whole heap of Nikons with ease and is so comfortable to use.
As you can see in photo above I can easily carry 2 camera bodies with battery grips, 5 lenses, 3 speedlites, battery packs and more inside. Plus there is a large padded pocket on the outside for my laptop and my Manfrotto 055 tripod straps to the side as well! There is no way I could carry that on my shoulder in a conventional camera bag. It is also small enough to fit in the overhead compartment of most planes although you do have to careful about weight limits and not fill it too much. And if you are interested it also fits easily in the storage bay of a Bell Jet Ranger helicopter too as I found out recently.
One of my concerns was fast access to the equipment but that proved to be unfounded as the top of the lid bends and folds back very easily enabling you to grab that camera straight away as you can see here. I love the fact that you can also easily change the wheels yourself if you need to down the track. This was a big concern as I broke a wheel on my previous roller bag, made by a different well known bag manufacturer, and it could not be replaced so a $500- camera bag was basically written off for a $5- plastic wheel. That will definitely not happen with the Manfrotto. The only possible negative and it is not a big one is that the rain cover is a separate item and not built into the case itself. Having said that there is plenty of room for it and it could actually aid in drying it so it’s not really a big deal.
Overall I love using this bag and I look forward to doing so for many years ahead. The quality is great and I know Manfrotto’s legendary back up is there if I do eventually need it. Highly recommended.
You might not find one in your average camera store but contact your local Manfrotto dealer for more information. You can find a list of Manfrotto dealers HERE>>