Photographing bathrooms can be tough

On of the toughest things to photograph well is often the smallest room in the house. With their reflective surfaces and generally cramped size, bathrooms represent a real challenge for photographers. There is nothing like being wedged in a shower with a camera on a tripod and getting wet socks while trying to set up the perfect angle. I don’t photograph the bathrooms at every home I shoot. Even though the bathroom may be new and perfectly functional if it’s plain and uninteresting or, worst of all, old and run down and in dire need of renovation, then there is not much to appeal to potential buyers.
But when it all comes together and you have a stunning bathroom to work with they can really be the shots that bring the buyers through a home. As the saying goes “bathrooms and kitchens sell houses.” Here are a few examples of some stunning bathrooms that I have photographed and hopefully, despite all the mirrors and reflective surfaces, you won’t see a selfie anywhere!