On location at McDonalds at 4.30am……

Last week I had another photoshoot for McDonalds Head Office but this time it was just a few km’s away from my home. The newly renovated restaurant is on the Pacific Highway at Port Macquarie. As you can imagine with such a busy restaurant there is not much of a window of opportunity when there are very few customers around so it was decided to shoot it at 4.30am on a Tuesday morning. Fortunately I had a perfect dawn sky and it really looked great. The client obviously thought the photos did too as they sent me this comment “The photos are amazing.”
My next one to shoot is not quite so local as it’s in Dubbo nearly 600km’s away! Wish me luck…..
For those interested these were shot with a Nikon D810, 16-35mm f4 at f11 on a Manfrotto 055 and processed in Photoshop CC2017