Archive for February 2019
Stage 1 of a new facility at Port Macquarie Base Hospital
Another successfully completed project photographed for AW Edwards. Stage 1 of the new mental health unit at Port Macquarie Base Hospital. We’ll be back soon to photograph stage 2.
Read More >>Photographing the new Wauchope Ambulance Station for AW Edwards
You won’t believe it but these images were taken on a really dark overcast day with the threat of rain approaching. Because the Ambulance Station was being handed over the next day to the client by the builder AW Edwards we had no choice but to shoot it and work our magic in photoshop. Here…
Read More >>Photographing a new range of windows for Wideline Windows & Doors
We recently photographed a new range of windows for Wideline Windows & Doors but they were so new that the only place they were on display was in a very tight display centre. Fortunately we use some very wide angle lenses so we could really show off the windows at their best. The client was…